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3.4 Arexx and AmIRC


AmIRC supports a versatile ARexx Port.


SAYTreat something just like it was entered in the input string.
GETMYNICKRequest current nick name.
ISCONNECTEDCheck whether connection is established.
GETSERVERNAMERequest current server name.
USERHOSTQuery Userhost of a nick.
ECHOEchos text to the current listview.
RAWSends raw text to the server.
CHANNELSReturns string showing joined channels.
GETCHANNELReturns channel joined in active window.
GETSELECTEDUSERReturns nick of user selected in userlist window.
GETUSERReturns the nick of user number in userlist window.
GETUSERSReturns a string with all users in the current channel.
GETUSERSTATETells whether the user has Op, Voice, or no privledges.
GETLINEWaits for the next line and parses it into a stem variable.
GETLINECOUNTTells you how many lines have been entered since you entered the channel.
GETLASTLINEReturns the last line, unparsed.
GETAWAYSTATEChecks if you are marked away.
GETVERSIONTells you what version AmIRC you are using.
PARSELINEReturns the line given in a stem variable.

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